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Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Cheerleading is a psysical activity and sometimes a competitive sport. Cheerleading is all based on organized routines, usually ranging from two to three minutes. The routines contain tumbling, dance, jumps, cheers, stunts, to try and catch everyones attention. Cheerleading is my life i I enjoy it so much. My whole family cheers, my two sisters and my mother coaches.

This is called a pyramid. A pyramid is when the whole team gets together to do a stunt. It is several stunts put together to look like a pyramid.

I started cheering when I was six years old, that is when I cheered for Pop Warner Football & Cheering. I cheered with them until I got to Hudson High School which is where i started on the JV team. In tenth grade i made it onto Varsity, and it was a dream come true!!! I loved all the Friday night football games, rallys, and spagetti dinners!! Senior year I didn't want to give it up, so once I knew I was going to Nichols College I talked to girls that were already on the team. It all workled out because now I cheer for Nichols and it is just as fun as I imagined!

This is Our Nichols Cheerleading Team at the Boston University Cheerleading Camp in August 2011!

This is a video of my old Hudson High School cheerleading team at States where we then got 2nd place and a bid to Nationals in Disney FL!

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